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Lactuca Virosa

Wild Lettuce

Known as wild lettuce or opium lettuce, is a plant that is native to Europe, Western Asia, and North America. The name "opium lettuce" is derived from the milky latex or sap that the plant produces, which has been used historically for its mild sedative and analgesic properties. 
Lactuca Virosa


Wild lettuce, bitter lettuce, laituevireuse, opium lettuce, tall lettuce, great lettuce or rakutu-karyumu-so


Daisy family


Wild lettuce is a nervous system relaxant, sedative, analgesic, hypnotic, narcotic, and antispasmodic.


Wild lettuce has many benefits including mild sedative effects and can act as a pain reliever. 


    Wild lettuce(Lactucavirosa) has been traditionally used for its potential mild sedative properties promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. It is also associated with pain relief, acting as a mild analgesic and can been used to help with sleep. Additionally, wild lettuce can help with respiratory issues, such as coughs and asthma.


    Lactucavirosa can be consumed in various forms including tinctures and extracts. By drying the leaves, they can also be steeped to make a tea. Herbal supplements containing wild lettuce may come in capsule or pill form and the latex, or milky sap, has been historically used for its potential sedative effects but, of course, always utilized with caution.


    Wild lettuce has a rich history dating back centuries. One notable aspect is its association with mild sedative effects as the latex or milky sap has been historically used for its calming properties. The name "opium lettuce" reflects the plant's historical connection to opium poppies, although wild lettuce is less potent and addictive. Over time, cultures have employed wild lettuce for pain relief, relaxation, and even as a sleep aid. Its usage can be traced through herbal remedies and traditional practices contributing to its legacy in the realm of natural remedies. 

When Lactuca Virosa Helps With